Tuesday, January 15, 2008

# 50- Check!

"50. Frame and display one of Riley's drawings."

Riley's artwork has finally graduated from the fridge to the wall.



This might need a little explaining. The big pink circle person with curly green hair, is of course Riley. I am in the green and Laila is orange. There is also a sun in the upper left corner, a few trees and clouds above our heads, a bird and purple grass! She drew another one of me today playing football, its very funny.

Also, this morning I perfectly ignored another task (#95. Meet, talk to and photograph a real Australian.).

I had a stranger come by to pick something up from me, during our small talk I noticed her accent and asked "Where are you from?". She replied "Australia, but I'm originally from New Zealand" then I just stupidly said "oh wow, I've always loved Australian accents".

She left. I sat down to finish what I was doing on the computer before she came and *ding* it hit me. There was my number 95! But I didn't take a photo. She probably would of though I was really nuts anyway, I still have 2.75 years to try again.

1 comment:

Chelsea Hudson said...

ha ha that is hilarious about the Aussie Shelby! your 101 list inspired me... must start thinking about some goals of my own!! have a great day!