Monday, January 29, 2007

The Launch

Finally, after working all day, the new website and blog are up! It took MUCH longer than expected but I got it up by today like I promised.

As you can see the new colors are chocolate brown and a mauvey purple, on some monitors it may look black, but its brown! First thing you see when you go to, one of the Unthank sisters! I didn't do this on purpose, I searched for an hour or so looking for 2 different pictures.

Then I saw Katies eyes in this image:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And Kelley's smile in this one:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

...and knew thats what would want to make you see more! Right now, images are a bit slow-loading, once they load once, they pop up right away the second time. I'm sure there is a few kinks and typos here and there, if you see anything please let me know!

If you got your newsletter and/or read the old blog you know that all premium sessions are HALF OFF, but I'll only be booking 7 of these sale sessions. Even if you, personally, dont need any portraits done at the moment, I'm sure you know someone who does! The "year in the life of baby" session is also 25% off, for more information, feel free to contact me.