Saturday, February 17, 2007

February Announcements

Canceled session this weekend so this week I have announcements!:

1. There are still a few sale session spots left, then session prices return to regular fees. (reg.- $350/ sale- $175)

2. I am looking for 2008 senior representatives, I tried to think of a better more exciting name than representative, but there is none! A senior rep. is pretty easy and you get paid! Plus your friends get discounts. It first starts off will a complimentary premium session plus an Art Book, and all you need to do is carry around your Art Book and show off your prints, pretty much like you normally would! That's why its easy! So for free seniors portraits and a extra $$, email or call. I am looking for fun outgoing guys and girls from all high schools in the area.

3. There is now a Shelby Leigh Photography myspace, I plan on having some fun with this, if you have a myspace add me as your friend!

I don't like to post without a photo so here's one of little Riley in her new pink room.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Alvin said...

Congratuations on your launch Shelby, you have a bright future.

I'm Alvin, full time Dad - part time photographer. My girl Vivian turns 1 this Saturday!

I was trolling around OSP. I like to follow links to see people's work for inspiration.

Just registered there but am having trouble logging in. You might see my posts at OSP in the near future. Great bunch of people.

I'm just starting my own portrait business in L.A. I'm interested in what others have done or are doing when they launch.

Visit my xanga blog if you like.

Best of luck.

Alvin Catacutan comming soon!

Neal said...

Love Riley on the phone! My 2 year old walks around with a toy phone and has conversations all day! I wish I could understand what she is saying! :) ++